Wednesday, 31 March 2010
Thursday, 11 March 2010
Rede de Escolas de Design de Produto
Friday, 5 March 2010
Include 2011
The Royal College of Art Helen Hamlyn Centre is pleased to announce the sixth International conference on Inclusive Design; Include 2011 will take place at the Royal College of Art, London, UK on 18-20 April 2011.
The theme for Include 2011 will be social innovation, its organisation, origins and outputs - and the role of inclusive design within it.
As a concept, social innovation has growing currency in society, government, academia and business. It manifests itself in many different ways in different contexts. Its meanings extend from public service and policy innovation to initiatives in assistive technology and age-friendly design, and to aspects of civic participation and creative entrepreneurship.
Social innovation has people at its core and design plays a key role in delivering innovations of social value to communities and markets. The Include 2011 international conference at the Royal College of Art seeks papers on all design aspects of social innovation, in particular:
- Organisation - what design tools, techniques, frameworks and networks support and enhance social innovation?
- Origins - how has social innovation emerged as a design construct and in what ways does it manifest itself?
- Outputs - research studies and design exemplars of social innovation, drawn from public space, health, transport and other key domains.
Include 2011 is particularly interested in papers that explore the relationship between social innovation and inclusive design.
Details for submission of abstracts for papers and poster presentations to follow soon.
Wednesday, 3 March 2010
Tuesday, 2 March 2010
PhD comics
Sugiro moderação (o arquivo é enorme - ainda não vi tudo) a respeito de fazer Abstracts saliento dois comics: principiante e avançado
Sorrisos ; )
Research Design
Neste momento estou a iniciar um curso em "Research Design" para operacionalizar a minha investigação. Pelo que deixo aqui uma sugestão de leitura do livro adoptado no curso, e que estou a ler. É um livro geral, para principiantes em investigação; saliento a clareza, a diversidade de conteúdos, e a relevância das abordagens mistas para a disciplina do Design.
Estou a encontrar-me no livro, como investigadora, e a aprender os nomes para o que pretendo fazer.
Systems Thinking
Uma das coisas que "ouvi" por aqui (Holanda), é que a sustentabilidade está para além do produto/ material - que está no sistema. Isto é, existem certamente atributos eco, mas que face aos desafios com que nos deparamos actualmente, são necessárias abordagens sistémicas. Ainda pouco sei sobre a Teoria Geral de Sistemas, mas apresento o video do Dr. Russell Ackoff on Systems Thinking que me parece interessante partilhar. Até já.